Player Profiles
What is it?
Player Profiles is our pioneering, newly developed webapp-based platform which has a gamechanging impact on young people by putting personal development in their hands. It has been designed by working hand in hand with our young people to ensure it meets their needs and looks and feels like their other everyday applications.
Together with Reason Digital (an award winning ‘tech for good’ business) we have built a platform that focuses on skills development and facilitates ownership of progress journeys, for our young people, within the skill areas identified by the World Economic Forum as essential for the 2025 workplace. Underpinned by gamification as an engagement technique, young people can assess their current skillset/ level, address any gaps by identifying and setting goals, plan progression and access support from our delivery team whilst also having the ability to use their own real-world scenarios and examples and not just traditional academic subjects as evidence for achieving their goals.
Enhancing face–to–face delivery
Player Profiles has been developed to enhance DRW’s face-to-face delivery, not replace it, and further extend learning beyond the school day by providing opportunities to achieve life and workplace skills through the gamification of skill development, challenges and support from peers and mentors. We are also developing it to be innovative in the data ownership space because young people also own and control their own data and decide whether and how to make it available to support organisations.
Future developments
With our young people in the driving seat, our vision is to further develop the current iteration of Player Profiles to be the digital support partner solely made up of features that they want, that is present for the rest of their lives or whenever they need us. Through cycles of feedback workshops with our young people, design and testing with current users we have big plans to roll-out features including: more skills, mini-educational games around careers and pathways, connections directly into employers for further education, employment and training opportunities and toolkits that young people can use to design their own games giving them the chance to create their own mini income streams and learn about entrepreneurship.
Fund PP
We are very grateful for the generous donation from Marc Boughton (CVC Capital) and our valued partnership with Sport England which have enabled our Player Profiles vision to be brought to life but we know we need a lot more to truly develop it into the life-long digital partner to our young people that it could be. We are looking for funding partnerships at three levels, the young person reward level, the technical development level and the employer partner level and if you think you could help us please get in touch with Vikki Bentley (Head of Growth, Impact and Innovation).